Max Mironov holds both great technical skills as well as the artistic abilities

Developing high quality and cutting edge 3D arts, Max Mironov utilizes 3D modelling, mapping, texturing, lighting techniques to create the visual elements. He attends team meetings to discuss the art related issues and work progress. Creating 3D assets for arts and models, he troubleshoots the problems on reintegration of outsourced assets into 3D arts. He understands the project requirements and develops high quality 3D models accordingly.

Max collaborates and works closely with other professionals from the industry and conducts reports on the progress of the projects and presents the results to the executives. Well versed with Adobe Photoshop, Maksim makes the best use of it for story writing. He also deals with other software including Maya 3D for his modeling and texturing work.

Max Mironov makes the best use of internet for reference images and free tools to increase productivity as well as reading websites. Pertaining to his professional experience, Max is an expert in creating graphics, effects or animations using the computer programs and editing software.

As a 3D artist, Max knows how to create 3D representation of literally any object or surface using 3D computer graphics. He has both great technical skills as well as the artistic abilities to stand out of the crowd. He always creates the 3D assets that adhere to the art direction and style established for the project while communicating mood, and emphasis.

As a renowned 3D artist, Max Mironov always ensures that his artwork gets noticed. He makes sure that his artwork gets noticed and he considers that a good way of doing this is through social media. He shares all that he has done and is doing on social media.

As a 3D artist, he uses the sophisticated software to create graphics and animations for use in various media. He holds a broad variety of skills to maximize his career opportunities.


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